Stand: 02.12.2024

New Products
Pricker Awlnew favorable price
1 Standard : Pricker Awl 130 mm, wood handle natural Ø 23mm, needle Ø 2,5 mm, needle length 60 mm
 1,85 €/pc.   
 1,65 €/ 5pc.
2 Double knob : Pricker Awl 130 mm, wood handle red Ø 21mm, needle Ø 2,0 mm, needle length 55 mm
 1,85 €/pc.   
 1,65 €/ 10pc.
3 Knob : Pricker Awl 120 mm, wood handle brown 25mm, needle Ø 2,5 mm, needle length 60 mm
 1,85 €/pc.   
 1,65 €/ 10pc.
4-fold Multi Size Wood Slickernew favorable price
use for leather thickness from 1,5 to 8,0 mm, round 8 mm, made of sandelwood
12,95 €/pc.   
11,95 €/ 5pc.
use for leather thickness from 1,5 to 8,0 mm, width 25 mm, smade of beechwood
 5,95 €/pc.   
 5,45 €/ 5pc.
use for leather thickness from 1,5 to 8,0 mm, round 23 mm, made of beechwood
 6,95 €/pc.   
 6,45 €/ 5pc.
use for leather thickness from 1,5 to 8,0 mm, round 23 mm, made of rosewood
11,95 €/pc.   
10,95 €/ 5pc.
Halsbandring, Ring Ø innen 16 mm, Ring Ø außen 20 mm
Fuss Höhe 10,0 mm, Ø 9 mm, Draht Ø 2 mm, nickel frei
 2,75 €/pc.   
 2,35 €/ 5pc.
Cork, 30 x 10 x 1 cm
as a base when piercing
 6,95 €/pc.   
 6,55 €/ 3pc.
Harness shoulder cutting, thickness 2.8 - 3.2 mm
Size 30x20 cm (app. A4), often larger and still with edges
12,50 €/pc.   
11,50 €/ 5pc.
Size 40x30 cm (app. A3), often larger and still with edges
24,50 €/pc.   
22,50 €/ 5pc.
Needle Pack for hand sewingnew favorable price
includes curved, glover`s and straight. Six needles in all.
 2,45 €/pc.   
 1,95 €/ 3pc.
Adjustable U-Gouge
variable depth, for gouging fold lines, stitch lines and more
24,95 €/pc.   
22,95 €/ 3pc.
Leather balm with pleasant leather smell
for cleaning, polishing and refreshing smooth leather.
 9,85 €/pc.   
 9,45 €/ 3pc.
Saddlers needles rounded
Needle No.A82, length 80 mm, eye Ø 4,0x1,0 mm
 2,45 €/pc.   
 2,25 €/ 3pc.
Rotary Cutter Bladenew favorable price
Ø 45 mm, thickness 0,4 mm, stainless steel
 3,49 €/pc.   
 2,59 €/ 3pc.
Wheeltool basic for prestitching seams
Wheeltool basic Size: 5 holes per inch
13,95 €/pc.   
12,95 €/ 3pc.
Wheeltool basic Size: 6 holes per inch
13,95 €/pc.   
12,95 €/ 3pc.
Wheeltool basic Size: 7 holes per inch
13,95 €/pc.   
12,95 €/ 3pc.
Natural Belgian Sharping Stone
Size 2 / 19-22 cm², quality I, (extra-extra)
12,50 €/pc.   
11,50 €/ 10pc.
Modelliereisen, Modellierwerkzeug aus Edelstahl
Werkzeuglänge: ca. 16 cm, Packung mit 6 Stück
11,75 €/pc.   
10,75 €/ 3pc.
Werkzeuglänge: ca. 16 cm, Packung mit 10 Stück - Kunststoffgriff
18,75 €/pc.   
17,75 €/ 3pc.
Riemenendeisen - Kegel
abgerundeter Kegel, zum Schlagen eines Riemenendes, Breite bis 30 mm
22,95 €/pc.   
20,95 €/ 3pc.
Strap-end Punch - triangular
pointed, to punch a constant ending, width to 40 mm
23,95 €/pc.   
21,95 €/ 3pc.
Strap-end Punch - semicircle
rounded, to punch a constant ending, width to 32 mm
22,95 €/pc.   
20,95 €/ 3pc.
rounded, to punch a constant ending, width to 42 mm
25,95 €/pc.   
23,95 €/ 3pc.
Lederhaus Giese GmbH,   Sonnenwall 69,   47051 Duisburg,   Germany
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